The Dispute At The Crossroads (Dr Gilbert) Download Music Notation Download ABC X: 1 T: The Dispute at the Crossroads T: Doctor Gilbert C: John Doherty S: Northern Fiddler - Page 67 M: 4/4 R: reel K: Em gf|:eBBe y{c}BABc|d2AF AFDg|eB{d}BA Bdgb|afdf ef{a}gf| eBBe BABc|d2AF AFDd|Be (3eee Begb|afdf ef{a}gf|| eB (3BBB y{d}BABc|d2AF AFDg|eB (3BBB Begb|afdf egfg| eB (3BBB y{d}BABc|d2AF AFDd|Be (3eee Begb|afdf ef{a}gf| |: eB (3BBB gB BBB|defg afdf|g2bg f2af|gefd edBb| afdf y{f}edBc|dBAF AFDd|Ge (3eee Begb|1 afdf efgf:|2afdf egfg||